Walking on Water

Nov. 4-9, 2024

Monday, November 4, 2024 


Perceiving then that they were about to come and take him by force to make him king, Jesus withdrew again to the mountain by himself. John 6:15 

Please read John 6:16-21 and Mark 6:45-52 today. We will be considering both passages of Scripture this week as we look at the sign of Jesus walking on the water. Mark’s account fills in some detail on the event which help us see the significance of the sign John is revealing. This account is immediately following the miraculous feeding. Jesus knew the crowd was thinking politically instead of spiritually. He withdrew to be alone and to pray. He sent the disciples ahead of him as he dismissed the crowd. Then he went to pray. I would love to have listened in to some of the prayers of Jesus. One that we have recorded for us is in John 17. This is the one that Jesus prayed on the night he was betrayed. The larger part of that prayer was intercession for his disciples and for us. In my imagination, this prayer may have been similar. It may have involved him talking with his Father about the situation that had just occurred, but also I believe that it involved intercession for the disciples. He knew they did not understand what had just happened because of their hard hearts (Mark 6:52). Perhaps he was praying their hard hearts would be softened so they could see with their hearts what their eyes were missing. This is a glimpse into the intercessory work of our High Priest. I believe he was interceding for his disciples and I know he intercedes for us (Romans 8:34). As you go into your day, think about Jesus interceding for you. Imagine him talking to his Father about you and speaking to the Father on your behalf. What does that stir in your heart? 

Tuesday, November 5, 2024 


It was now dark, and Jesus had not yet come to them. The sea became rough because a strong wind was blowing. John 6:17 

Please read John 6:16-21 and Mark 6:45-52 again today, looking for how the two accounts complement each other. John reveals it was dark. This was the night following a very long day. Remember that the goal of the day was to go and rest (Mark 6:31). As you read John 6 and remember the feeding of the multitude by the disciples, you realize it was not very restful. And now, the disciples are at sea at night. They have gone where Jesus has told them to go. No doubt, they have some of the bread (if not all), with them. Or perhaps they distributed it to some of the crowd. We are not told. What was to be a short trip turned out to be a long arduous journey in the dark. Since it was the time of the Passover, there would have been a full moon, so it wouldn’t be pitch black. A wind comes up. This is not a storm with wind and rain, but a gusting of wind that was against the disciples and their progress. It is not hard to imagine the discouragement they may have been feeling as they strained against the oars (making headway painfully). They could not have known that at that very moment, not only was Jesus praying, but he was also watching them (Mark 6:48). They were doing what he had told them to do, and it was hard. Maybe you are at a place in your life right now where it seems dark, and it feels hard to do what Jesus is calling you to do. He would not send you to a place where he will not watch over you. He will intercede for you, and he sees you straining against the oars. He knows that the progress you are making involves pain. He also knows that what he has called you to will best serve his purposes in his unfolding redemptive plan in your life and in the lives of those around you. Imagine Jesus watching you right now. Imagine the depth of care he has for you today. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2024 

Pass by 

And he saw that they were making headway painfully, for the wind was against them. And about the fourth watch of the night he came to them, walking on the sea. He meant to pass by them Mark 6:48 

Please read John 6:16-21 and Mark 6:45-52. The disciples are straining against the oars. It is somewhere between 3am and 6am. It has been a long 24 hours. They are now about three or four miles out. Imagine how tired they must have been. Arms aching, blistering hands, weary bones. They look up and see a figure walking on the water. Walking across the waves. They saw him and they were afraid. Matthew tells us they thought it was a ghost. Mark tells us he meant to pass by them. I believe that is a significant piece of information. In his conversation with Moses on the mountain God chooses to pass by in front of Moses in response to Moses’ request that God show him his glory (Exodus 33:17-34:7). Each of the signs John records are designed to reveal the deity of Jesus. This sign is no different. Jesus walking on the water would demonstrate the power he has over the waters (as did the parting of the Red Sea). This would prove he was God. In addition, he wanted them to see his glory. He wanted them to witness his passing by them. Jesus was the visible representation of God. He allows mankind to see and be with God. His glory is veiled as he walks on earth, but his glory is revealed as well. He makes the glory of God known. Think about Jesus revealing the glory of God. This proves he is God. How has God made his glory known in your life through Jesus? 

Thursday, November 7, 2024 

It is I 

But he said to them, “It is I; do not be afraid.” John 6:20 

Please read John 6:16-21 today. Jesus has revealed the glory of God. He then declares who he is. It is I. in the original language the wording is “I am”. He has revealed his glory and his name, just as he did with Moses. Consider all the times that you can think of in Scripture where the command is given to not be afraid. It is one of the most common of commands, weaving all thought the pages of the sacred text. God is with us. We need not be afraid. In this text Jesus is revealing his presence to the disciples and in so doing is allowing them to see they need not be afraid. Notice it was not the wind and the strong waves that caused them to be afraid. Rather, it was a misunderstanding of who Jesus is. They thought him to be a ghost. They thought they were following the instructions of Jesus on their own when he was right there with them. It is so important to have a fear of God. It is also important not to be afraid because he is near. Those truths can collide in us, but really, they are designed by God to work together. As I have a healthy awe and respect for God, I understand he has allowed me to be in his presence on his terms. I have access to him through Jesus, therefor I need not be afraid. When I believe that I can come to him on my terms and in my pride, I am not fearing him and I need to be very afraid. Consider your relationship with God. Do you fear him in a way that allows you to not be afraid? 

Friday, November 8, 2024 


Then they were glad to take him into the boat, and immediately the boat was at the land to which they were going. John 6:21 

Please read once again John 6:16-21. I have found that the more times a read a passage the more details emerge and the more I am able to allow God’s truth to wash over me. As I meditate on the passage it begins to read me. I love the final verse we are looking at this week. They were glad to take him in the boat. 

Oh, the waves that buffet, oh the winds that blow. Oh, the things against me as you I now follow. So strong attacks the enemy. Oh, feelings of despair. Oh, the weariness that enters, My Lord, do you still care? Oh, the selfishness that enters as I strive with all my might. Where are you dear Jesus as I labor in the night? What’s that I see across the waves, my Savior coming near! I gladly welcome you, my Lord. You’ve taken all my fear. 

Have you discovered the gladness that comes from seeing Jesus in his glory and taking him into your life? Amazing to think of the gladness that is available to us as we labor for our amazing Jesus in our everyday lives! 

Saturday, November 9, 2024 


Then they were glad to take him into the boat, and immediately the boat was at the land to which they were going. John 6:21 

Let’s focus on the verse above today. John states that they were immediately at their destination. That is a miracle. Mark indicates that the wind died down as well. The last half of the journey was much quicker than the first! How true is that for you? Have you found it to be true that when you are keenly aware of the presence of Jesus that time seems to fly by? Do you remember what it was like before you knew Jesus or before you fully embraced him as your King? Have you also discovered that following him is not always easy? The world rejected him, and they will reject us as we follow him. We will strain against the oars. In this world we will have trouble, but if you have truly trusted him, if you are truly born again, you have a final destination! It is already “typed in” to the EPS (Eternal Positioning system). There will come a moment which God has already determined for you when Jesus will come and take you to be with him and immediately you will be to the land to which you are going!! Hallelujah!! Amen! Be encouraged and encourage as many people as you can. The darkness and chaos of this world which buffets against us as we make our journey to the King is not all there is! There is an inheritance in heaven that is kept for you. With him forever. Amen. 

Tomorrow we will be looking at the sixth sign—John 9:1-41. Healing the man born blind. 

Walking on Water