Staff & Elders

Chuck Cervenka
Senior Pastor
Chuck grew up in the area attending Calvary. He married the love of his life, Karen, right out of high school and has three adult children and nine amazing grandchildren. After several years in business, God called him to minister in the church of his youth. He loves to read, study, and learn. He is learning to paint with watercolors, and he tries to play golf, although he mostly likes that it gets him outside. His greatest love is Jesus, and he loves to see others come to love Jesus as well.

Jon Hovestol
Executive Pastor
Jon grew up at Calvary and accepted the Lord when he was 8 years old. Calvary has had a huge influence on his life. Helen and he have been married 44 years and we have 4 children and 8 grandchildren. For the past 15 years they have been serving the lord in Honduras. They are so grateful for the work that God called them to do in Honduras. God taught them so much about trusting and obeying Him. He is so grateful for God calling them back to Calvary and to be able to use what God taught them in Honduras in his role here at Calvary.

Dustin Radloff
Associate Pastor of Discipleship
Dustin grew up in Wausau, Wi and came to know the Lord at an early age. He and Joh, his wife, got married in 1998, have 4 children and love to play games and spend time together. After teaching high school mathematics for 12 years, God called him into full-time ministry. He loves sharing the love of Jesus to everyone whether it is through serving them or sitting down and having a conversation. He is passionate about being a disciple of Christ and helping others on their discipleship journey.

Addison Verdell
Music and Production Director
Addison and his wife Beth are newlyweds and originally from the South. When Addison isn’t jamming out to blues music or disc golfing, you can find him making dad jokes way before he should. Addison loves to share how worship is more than just music and requires constant surrender to the only One worthy of everything we are.

Carla Raasch
Calvary Kids Director
Carla has attended Calvary for nearly 12 years. During which time she has had the pleasure of serving in various areas of children’s ministry. Chris and her have been married 23 years and are privileged to be parents to Ben and Charlotte. Shortly after turning her life over to Christ she engaged in children’s ministry working alongside a team of dedicated leaders. She figured if children can learn the Bible here-so can she! She knew she had much to learn! The Lord has gone before her and used each opportunity and relationship to equip her for this role. It is a dream come true to serve the Lord at this capacity and she is excited to see the plans He has for Calvary Kids!

Dave Rowland
Encore Ministries Pastor
Dave and his wife, Susan, have three grown daughters and one granddaughter. He finished his M.Div. at Denver Seminary at age 69, which prepared him to encourage other older adults to engage or re-engage in fruitful service for the Lord. Dave is passionate about helping others grow in their walk with Jesus. If it’s good weather, he still loves to feel the air rushing by as he cruises on his Harley.

Kelly Lofy
Student Ministries Pastor
Kelly and his wife, Allie, have three energetic children. As a family, they love playing board games, paddle boarding, and visiting all the different playgrounds in Walworth county! Kelly is passionate about helping teens know they are loved by God and coming alongside them as they learn to live for Him.

Timmy Hanks
Counseling Pastor
Timmy Hanks oversees the counseling ministry and clinical supervision of social work and counseling interns here at Calvary Community. He has completed multiple graduate schools and holds several licenses. His background in trauma care is extensive and brings continuity, compassion, and commitment to shepherding the counseling ministry. Timmy enjoys coming alongside, coaching, equipping, and making practical the living application of God’s word into people’s lives as a core component of ministry. He remains an avid beachcomber, sailor, and scuba diver.

Stephanie Klahorst
Originally from a suburb of Milwaukee, Stephanie lives in Delavan with her cat Puddleglum. She enjoys reading, traveling, and introverting with her family and close friends. Stephanie loves partnering with people one-on-one and equipping them with practical tools for applying God’s Word to their lives.

Joe Ingersoll
Next Steps Director
Joe and his wife Lauren and parents of three young children. Joe and his family are passionate about meeting people, building community, and extending hospitality to those around them. Joe loves the opportunity to help people take the next step in their journey of faith and connect them with the resources they need as we pursue glorifying our Lord.

Lynette Jackson
Office Manager
Lynette lives in Lake Geneva. She enjoys baking and loves trying new recipes to share with family and friends. Her greatest joy comes in sharing God’s love with others in tangible ways, such as a meal, a card, or a phone call.

Jim Colquhoun
Facility & Grounds Manager
Jim and his wife Dawn have four children ages 17-26. They have been married for 29 years and have attended Calvary since 1996. Jim started working as the Facilities Manager in September of 2014, and he counts it an honor to serve the Calvary family in this role.

Bob Karlson
Technology Director
Bob Karlson and his wife Jodi have two grown children. He likes to work behind the scenes ensuring everything is working soundly from technology in the worship center to the mower in the garage. Our very own “Mr. Fix It” is always willing to help wherever needed. When he isn’t tinkering with a project, he enjoys spending time with his family under the sun in a boat or on a beach.

Hayden Ingersoll
Audio Technician
Hayden and his wife, Alicia, both grew up locally and currently reside in Delavan. He has a thirst for truth, a fond appreciation for good storytelling, an admiration of all genres of music, and will occasionally communicate solely through movie quotes. Hayden’s passion for ministry shines through learning and teaching others how to use technology for God’s glory.

Laurie Lois
Finance Manager
Laurie lives in Lake Geneva. She has 3 grown sons and 3 beautiful daughters in law. She has been blessed with 7 grandchildren who keep her busy and are the joy of her life. She enjoys quilting and walking with her golden doodle Maggie. God has answered a prayer by bringing her to Calvary Church.

Laura Speckman
Student Ministry Assistant
Laura has attended Calvary since she was born and enjoys being able to give back by serving the student ministries in any way she can! She lives outside of Lake Geneva and spent 1 year at a Bible College after high school. She loves getting to know the students and experience all the youth events from a different perspective than when she attended them as a student.

Kelsey Colquhoun
Kelsey loves to clean the church and loves every minute of it. She loves people, meeting new people, and getting to know them. She finds it a great joy every time she runs into someone. She loves to laugh and to talk. She has 2 little dogs named Sid and Lucy. She loves them so much! She also likes to run having ran 7 half marathons and counting. Singing is also one of her passions. She loves sharing what the Lord has done in her life ever since being saved. Jesus can do amazing things. He is the truly the best! Feel free to ask her about it!

James Westermann
Digital Media Manager
Originally from the Milwaukee area, James married his longtime friend Rebekah in 2012. They have been blessed with 5 joyful, noisy children which they homeschool in Elkhorn. James enjoys making music, coffee, and campfires, loves being in community with other believers, and is passionate about sharing the truth and love of Jesus Christ through media.

Jason Arndt
Elder Chairman
My wife, Ruth, and I have attended Calvary since 2009. We have 3 daughters, Adalyn (13), Lenna (11) and Ruby (10), who help make life very full and entertaining. I teach in the alternative education school with Elkhorn Area School District. Prior to that, I worked in camping ministry for several years.
I had the privilege of serving on the Calvary Elder Board from 2016 – 2022. After a 2 year respite, I’m excited to rejoin the Board, seeking God’s will in leading and directing CCC.

Perry Bradford
Church Chairman
Perry and Sandi began their journey in mission serving with Wycliffe Bible Translators first in the area of pre-filed training helping to equip missionaries for overseas service. From 1984 to 1994 they supported the work of Bible Translation in Papua New Guinea, working in the fields of education and medicine. In 1994 Barnabas International invited Perry and Sandi to join them providing pastoral care to global servants, pastors and national church leaders and their families and they have served in the capacity for the last 29 years. Perry and Sandi have retired after 43 years of full time ministry. Perry still serves as a consultant to the new director at Barnabas.

Christiaan Snedeker

Larry Clinton
I have been married to Debbie for 39 years and we have lived in Lake Geneva for 7 years, attending Calvary for as long. We are blessed with four children, one son, three daughters, three grandkids, and three more to be born within two weeks of each other shortly. (It going to be a wonderful fall for the Mimi & Papa.) Larry Matthew Clinton and Rosella have two children, Landon and Brielle. Ashley Wojcik is married to Chris; they have a son, Carter, and a daughter to arrive shortly. Rachael Westlake is married to Taylor and expecting a daughter in the fall. Victoria Knottnerus is married to Caleb and expecting (no details yet—a surprise in-store for us all in the fall). It has been my honor to serve as an Elder for the past three years at Calvary Community Church. The highest calling on this earth is to be called a Child of a Living King and then serve Him & His Bride, “The Church.” After much prayer I believe God is calling me to another three years to serve at Calvary Community Church.

Brian Elvert
The Lord Jesus regenerated me in 2010 as I was driving and listening to a Christian music station. He went on to show me that the Bible is the inspired word of God and led me to seek fellowship in a campus Bible study. I fell in love with the Lord Jesus and His church. I also fell in love with Miriam, married her in 2021, and moved from Madison to Elkhorn. We currently live in Williams Bay. We serve side-by-side, preaching the gospel at Saturdays on the Square in Elkhorn and ministering to the children and teens here at Calvary.

Pat Allen
I became A child of our Lord at 8 years old, as my mother taught myself, my brother and my sister about Jesus and why He loved us. I knew the Lord was prompting me to respond, so I answered Him by receiving His gift of Salvation. From that point on even when I was rebellious, He was and has been more than faithful! I am married to the love of my life Mary Katherine, who went home to be with her Savior May 6th 2020. Next to my Jesus, she was my best friend, and guide in this life. We have 3 adult children, 7 grandchildren, and 1 great grandchild, but only 1 boy ! I have been a member of Calvary for almost 8 years and have loved the opportunity to serve as an Elder, and discipler of men in our community. As I Prayerfully consider another 3 years on the Elder Board, with your approval, I am truly humbled by the opportunity to serve both You and our God in ways that will honor and glorify Him! ( Proverbs 3: 5-6 )

Greg Ingersoll
I have been married to Julia for 32 years. We have 3 sons and 2 daughters-in-law, Hayden (Alicia), Ross, and Spencer (Abigail). We are from Elkhorn and I have attended Calvary my entire life. When I was a young boy, around 7 years old, I asked Jesus to be my savior in a Sunday School class led by Jim Nelson. As I matured, I realized I needed to form a relationship with my savior Jesus and I rededicated my life to Him as a teenager. Through the years, God has opened many doors for me to be involved in various ministries and has gifted me with His discernment and a deep love for the body of Christ here at Calvary Community Church. It is a very humbling privilege to serve God alongside the pastoral staff and the members here at Calvary as part of the elder team. Please pray with us and for us as we seek His face for wisdom and direction. (Ephesians 6:10-18)

Joey Haywood
I have been married to Anissa for 27 years. We have two adult children, Alea and Jonas. We have lived in Lake Geneva for 21 years and have been attending Calvary Community Church for 20 years. I am a public school 3rd grade teacher in Lake Geneva. I was extremely blessed to have grown up in a Christian home and received the Lord as my personal Savior at a young age at a church where my parents were singing during a weekend service. My life has never been the same since that defining moment. Eldership is a huge and humbling calling that I do not take lightly. I have served on the Elder board in the past and am excited to again join this godly group of men who have also been called to shepherd the church in prayer, with the leading of God’s Word, and being empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Keith Pollek
My wife Diane and I have been married 46 years and live in Burlington. Our daughter lives in Menomonee Falls, and our son and his wife plus their three children live in Burlington. In 2020, I retired from a career in banking and am excited how God led me to serve Him in the next chapter of my life by becoming an elder. Diane and I are also actively involved with Life Choices, which is a Christian pregnancy counseling center in Burlington. We began attending Calvary in 2011 and joined shortly thereafter.

Richard W. Olsen
I have been married to Joanne for 49 years. Our children are Eric (46) and Maureen, Bjorn (44) and Trisha, and Jennifer Ayala (36) and her husband Tino. We have nine grandchildren ranging from age four to fifteen. We have lived in Lake Geneva for the past five years after living in the Palatine, Illinois area, where we were members of the Orchard Evangelical Free Church (Arlington Heights EFC) for more than 50 years. We began attending Calvary in 2017 and joined in 2018. I accepted Christ as my personal Savior when I was 8 years old with the help of my Sunday School teacher. I have grown through the Bible’s teachings, challenged by my pastors. Over the years, we have learned to rely on God’s leading in our daily walk with Him. Having served at the Orchard on various boards and committees, I had thought that God was finished with me when we moved here, but serving on the elder board these past three years has been a wonderful opportunity to serve here at Calvary and God continues to tap on my shoulder to serve in other areas of ministry.